Bedford and County AC
The AGM will be held on THURSDAY 16th MAY 2024 7.45 p.m.
BIAS Lecture Room (downstairs)
The AGM is held for the following purposes:
- to receive a review of the annual accounts
- To receive a report from the Executive Committee of the activities of the Club since the previous AGM.
- To announce the election of the President, Chair, Vice Chair, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer and any other Club Officers to be appointed in accordance with the Club Articles
- To transact any other business as may be brought before it (including without limitation the appointment of Life Members)
Items proposed for discussion under Any Other Business must be received in writing by the secretary at least 14 days prior to the AGM.
Please see the two documents below:
- BCAC Club Rules updated at EGM 041022 & AGM 180523
- BCAC Articles of Assocation revised at EGM 041022 & AGM 180523