Bedford & County Athletic Club is an inclusive, friendly, athlete-focused athletics club with a large membership. It is one of the leading clubs in the South and the East of England.
Ethos of the Club
Our primary objective is to provide a welcoming, progressive, inclusive and competitive athletics club for Bedford and the surrounding area. We encourage our athletes to compete at their personal best. The club is run by volunteers, who are its backbone, giving up their time to administer the club, coach athletes, manage teams, officiate at meetings and organise events. We are firmly committed to the continued development of our athletes, coaches and technical officials and for this to support the growth of our club.
The club offers coaching and training in all track & field disciplines and in distance running.
Where to Find Us
We are based at:
Bedford International Athletics Stadium, Barkers Lane, Bedford. MK41 9SB.
We also use Bedford International Athletics Stadium as our home base for competition and training.
How to Contact Us
For information about how to contact us, please see Contact.
Our Teams
The club runs Track and Field teams in the National Athletics League, and the National Youth Development Athletes League. We also have teams for all age groups competing in the Southern Athletics League, Eastern Young Athletes League and the Eastern Masters Track & Field League.
Bedford and County’s strong middle distance running squads compete successfully around the country in the National, Southern & County Cross Country Championships, the National Cross Country Relays and in the Results Base Chiltern Cross Country League.
Our Road Runners compete in local road races and our teams compete successfully in the National and Southern Road Relays.
To find out more about what we offer for different age groups, go to Competition - Our Teams. They run from our youngest, BEAGLES, to oldest, Masters.
Want to join us?
We are always pleased to welcome new members whatever their ability. You can find out more about how to join us by clicking Join Us.
Want to help us?
All this takes a lot of effort and organisation and the club welcomes any offers of help from coaches, officials, parents friends and of course current members. Click Get Involved.